You may think there’s nothing worse than getting your wisdom teeth pulled, but the worst part could very well come after the teeth pulling. Once an adult tooth is pulled, the bone or a nerve underneath the tooth can be exposed. Under normal circumstances, your body forms a clot to protect this area while it heals. A dry socket occurs when no clot forms, and the area becomes extremely sensitive and prone to infection.
Avoid Getting Dry Socket from the Beginning
There are many dental procedures—and even everyday circumstances—that can make you prone to dry sockets. It’s always important to maintain good oral hygiene, but it’s crucial after a serious dental procedure like having a tooth or teeth removed. If you smoke, have had a wisdom tooth extracted or any other kind of traumatic dental extraction, you’ll need to be extra careful. Additionally, medications like birth control or anything that prevents blood clotting will cause you to be more at risk for dry socket.
Even if those things don’t apply to you, getting any tooth out for any reason puts you at risk! To ensure you’re doing everything in your power to avoid dry socket, here are some things to avoid.
For at least 24 hours, avoid rinsing, spitting or drinking any fluids through a straw. Also stay away from foods or drinks that are really hot, or extra crunchy like popcorn or peanut brittle. Stay away from alcohol, too! For at least 72 hours you’ll want to avoid smoking. You’ll also want to limit your physical activity for up to a week after your dental procedure.
What to do if you get Dry Socket
Dry socket is relatively uncommon, but since most people have to get a tooth removed at some point in their lives it’s important to know how to deal with it. Of course, your dentist is the one who can help the most with dry socket remedies. They can prescribe you pain relievers and give you tips for proper oral care.
If you’re still worried about dry socket, you can get all your questions answered by contacting LeCroy Dental.