How Long Can You Keep Your Teeth with Periodontal Disease?
How long can you keep your teeth with periodontal disease? Understand how the infection manifests and available treatment options.
How long can you keep your teeth with periodontal disease? Understand how the infection manifests and available treatment options.
When is it too late to reverse a cavity? Learn more about the treatment options for saving your teeth.
Why is my enamel thinning? Understand the causes of dental erosion and the treatment options available to you.
Getting your tooth pulled? Don’t worry! Here’s what happens during recovery after tooth extraction.
Does your mouth feel sore from wearing a night guard? Understand why your night guard hurts teeth and how to alleviate the discomfort.
There’s still hope for your damaged teeth with root canal therapy. Learn what to expect during root canal recovery and how to heal faster.
You could benefit from dental implant restoration if you have missing teeth. So what does this process entail and who should get it?
Laughing gas has gained popularity for its euphoric and relaxing effects. However, laughing gas at the dentist also doubles as a sedative.
You might wonder why you struggle with dental problems despite upholding proper oral hygiene. Even if you brush and floss daily, you could still be fighting a losing battle against plaque build-up. Don’t worry though, you can save your teeth with dental sealants. What are dental sealants? Let’s find out. What Are Dental Sealants? Sealants…
Whether you’re suffering from gum disease or your teeth are crowded, decaying, or broken, dentists can recommend extraction for various conditions. But despite the reason for extraction, you need a proper diet to accelerate healing and prevent swelling, discomfort, and infection. What to Eat After Tooth Extraction? Your diet doesn’t have to be boring because…