Let’s face it: there aren’t very many situations where someone actually wants to see the dentist. Dental anxiety is a thing, and it’s usually because people are afraid they’ll need some kind of work done.
That’s not always true – you need to see your dentist regularly anyway even for a checkup or a cleaning – but sometimes, there is something that needs to be done beyond just getting a cavity filled.
Don’t think you just have to accept whatever your dentist says without asking questions, though. You can ask all the questions you want. In fact, here are some questions you should ask before your next dental procedure.
What’s the Least Invasive Solution?
There are often several things we can do for you. It’s okay to advocate for yourself and see if what we are recommending to you is the least invasive way to go. You may feel more comfortable with another option. That’s okay – tell your dentist and start a conversation about what you’d like to do.
Can My Cavities Be Remineralized?
Believe it or not, tooth decay can be reversed through a natural process known as remineralization, where the body produces calcium and other minerals that fill in the holes worn away in your enamel.
That doesn’t mean you’ll avoid getting a cavity filled, though, but it’s always worth talking to your dentist about this process.
How Much Will It Hurt?
This is a question that actually isn’t as common as you’d think, because some patients are scared to ask about the pain level they may experience. But it’s perfectly okay to ask.
Your dentist will help you understand how much pain the typical person might feel. Pain is different for every person, though, and it really depends on your individual pain tolerance. But your dentist should tell you how sensitive your teeth may become and whether or not your tooth’s nerve will be involved, such as during a root canal.
What Anesthesia Options Do I Have?
Local anesthetic is always available and is routine, but you may feel like you want something stronger.
Depending on the procedure and where you’re getting the procedure done – and indeed who is doing the procedure – you may have other, more powerful options for anesthesia. It doesn’t hurt to ask your dentist what’s available for you.
Getting dental work done can be worrisome, but if you understand more about the procedure by asking questions, you’ll feel better about it. Talk to your dentist before your next appointment and get the answers you need.