What Recovery After Tooth Extraction Looks Like

Tooth extraction is no longer the painful, complex process it was perceived to be. With advancements in procedures, tools, and anesthetics, you’re assured of minimal discomfort, fewer complications, and faster recovery after tooth extraction. Here’s what to expect after leaving the dental chair.

Day-By-Day Breakdown of the Recovery Process

A simple tooth extraction generally heals within 7 to 10 days. The clot should have solidified at this point, with the affected area healing by the second week. But as you’d expect, complicated extraction cases involving deeper cuts have longer recovery periods.

Here’s what recovery after tooth extraction looks like.

First 24 Hours

After the surgery, the dentist will place an initial gauze on the extraction area to absorb blood—leave it there for as long as you’re instructed.

The area might bleed and swell, but you can manage these symptoms with ice packs and gauze.

7 to 10 Days Later

The extraction site might swell, but the discomfort is much less than the first day. There shouldn’t be any bleeding by the end of the week, and the area should have a blood clot. Your dentist will recommend soft foods and random saline rinses to accelerate recovery. Brushing and flossing are fine, but be careful not to injure your gums.

Two Weeks Later 

A new granulation tissue with blood vessels should have formed around the socket. Although you might experience minimal swelling, the site will feel completely healed. You can also resume normal activities but avoid any over-exertion that can disrupt healing. 

Recovery After Tooth Extraction: How Long Does Pain Last?

Typically, pain diminishes after the third day. However, recovery may take longer if you pull a wisdom tooth. Additionally, granulation tissue develops around a week to ten days later to safeguard the extraction site until bone regeneration occurs.

When to See a Dentist

Although discomfort, bleeding, and swelling are a normal part of tooth extraction, your socket should heal within ten days. As such, contact your dentist in case of the following signs:

  • Excessive bleeding
  • Trouble breathing or swallowing
  • Pus
  • Bloody mucus
  • Numbness
  • Severe pain
  • Persistent taste distortion even after rinsing
  • Swelling

Experience Swift Recovery After Tooth Extraction

From pain relief to treating infections, tooth extraction improves your oral health in various ways. Is your damaged or decayed tooth affecting your quality of life? Our specialists at LeCroy Dental will examine your teeth and provide the best option to improve your smile. Contact us today to learn more about recovery after tooth extraction.